Editors’ Introduction
This collection of essays is a response to a challenge that is undoubtedly paradoxical: to introduce in Italy an author who is already known and appreciated by scholars who have encountered his work, and, often, followed his teachings. While the transmission of knowledge has traditionally been through both exoteric and esoteric teachings (the former intended for the general public, and the latter for a small group of researchers), this divide is reproduced constantly through the distinction between ‘institutionalised’ knowledge found even in ‘philosophy manuals’, and the knowledge that animates the research and discussions of researchers. If we keep in mind this distinction, we will undoubtedly better understand the influence and role of the work of Jean Greisch (born in 1942), within the Italian hermeneutical tradition from the second half of the last century. If on the one hand, the work of this philosopher is still not much known to the general public (owing to the lack of Italian translations), on the other hand it is difficult, if not impossible, to meet a scholar in the field of hermeneutical tradition who has not been engaged with at least some of Greisch’s works, and who has not suggested or not recommended their reading to junior researchers interested in acquiring hermeneutical reason. This gradual dissemination of Greisch’s work has led to the building of a growing community of scholars gathered around his work, a community that goes beyond all pretentious ‘Rubicon’ divide between German and French hermeneutics.
Bancalari, S., de Gramont J. e Leclercq J., a cura di, (2016). Jean Greisch, les trois âges de la raison. Métaphysique, phénoménologie, herméneutique. Paris: Hermann.
Capelle-Dumont, Ph., Hébert, G., e Popelard, M.-D., a cura di, (2004). Le souci du passage. Paris: Cerf.
Greisch, J. (2000). Le cogito herméneutique. L’herméneutique philosophie et l’héritage cartésienne. Paris: Vrin.
Greisch, J. (2002-2004). Le Buisson ardent et les Lumières de la Raison. Paris: Cerf.
Greisch, J. (2006). Entendre d’une autre oreille. Les enjeux philosophiques de l'herméneutique biblique. Paris: Bayard.
Greisch, J. (2009). Qui sommes-nous? Parcours phénoménologique vers l‘homme. Louvain-Paris: Peeters.
Greisch, J. (2016). L’herméneutique comme sagesse de l'incertitude. Paris: Le Cercle Herméneutique.
Greisch, J. (2019). Désirer comprendre. Court traité des vertus herméneutiques. Louvain-La-Neuve: PUL.
Greisch, J. (2021). Transcender. Libres méditations sur la fonction méta. Paris: Hermann (coll. De Visu).
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