Between Affectivity and Initiative: The Anthropological Bases of a Hermeneutical Ethics

  • Vinicio Busacchi


By following Ricœur’s perspective, this article aims to develop a reflection around the anthropological bases of ethics, or even, around an anthropological-hermeneutical conception of ethics. The author starts from an analysis of the key notions of affectivity and initiative to demonstrate how personal identity is formed via a hermeneutic course of emancipation as an ethical challenge. The capacity to become a person characterises Ricœur’s view on the human being. The person is the product of a process, within a difficult and contradictory dialectic between different instances.


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How to Cite
Busacchi, V. (2020). Between Affectivity and Initiative: The Anthropological Bases of a Hermeneutical Ethics. Critical Hermeneutics, 3(2), 55-74.