Ipseity: a confident odyssey of 'I can' and thrown courage of 'I do'

  • Beatriz Contreras Tasso


I intend to address the question of “Who am I?”, considering Ricœur's early phenomenological inquiry, as an onto-anthropological spectrum that contributes to the understanding of ipseity in his hermeneutical phenomenology of the Self. I’ll take as a common thread the odyssey of existing and its finite condition, a recurring metaphor in Ricœur. This figure very well illustrates ipseity, since it denotes the idea of travel, effort and time. The odyssey points to the ontological sense of the precariousness of existing and its constitutive noncompliance. Both fundamental ontological characters determine existence as a task; being Oneself and a process; the self-discovery or appropriation of Oneself as an uninterrupted condition of the possibility of the realization of a meaningful life. I highlight three thematic milestones of the phenomenology of "I can" which found the ethics inside the request of "I do": His affirmative ontology in the "ontological vehemence" of "I am" (1955); his phenomenological reinstatement of feeling, as an irreducible anchor of freedom (1950-60) and his hermeneutics of the other’s imagination, as a condition of attestation (1990).


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How to Cite
Contreras Tasso, B. (2020). Ipseity: a confident odyssey of ’I can’ and thrown courage of ’I do’. Critical Hermeneutics, 3(2), 27-54. https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/4186