Original Affirmation, Self-Appropriation and Attestation: Three Main Concepts for a Hermeneutics of Reception in Paul Ricoeur
The hermeneutic widening of Paul Ricœur’s phenomenological philosophy determines a methodical turn inspired by a problem whose dominant nucleus is man as a capable subject. Nevertheless, this capacity must be deciphered by exploring the mediations in which man seeks to understand himself. The reading hypothesis of this study holds that reception, a topic of phenomenological origin, has a hermeneutic plasticity that gives Ricœur exploration keys of some essential knots of his onto-anthropology. The three main concepts through which the role of reception is evaluated make up original affirmation, self-appropriation and attestation. This examination highlights, finally, the unfolding of a hermeneutics which, in its mature stage, is marked by the endless reception of the other.
This article is part of the following project: Proyecto de Investigación Fondecyt Regular N° 1160097
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