Original Affirmation, Self-Appropriation and Attestation: Three Main Concepts for a Hermeneutics of Reception in Paul Ricoeur


The hermeneutic widening of Paul Ricœur’s phenomenological philosophy determines a methodical turn inspired by a problem whose dominant nucleus is man as a capable subject. Nevertheless, this capacity must be deciphered by exploring the mediations in which man seeks to understand himself. The reading hypothesis of this study holds that reception, a topic of phenomenological origin, has a hermeneutic plasticity that gives Ricœur exploration keys of some essential knots of his onto-anthropology. The three main concepts through which the role of reception is evaluated make up original affirmation, self-appropriation and attestation. This examination highlights, finally, the unfolding of a hermeneutics which, in its mature stage, is marked by the endless reception of the other.

This article is part of the following project: Proyecto de Investigación Fondecyt Regular N° 1160097


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Author Biography

Beatriz Contreras Tasso, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Beatriz Contreras obtained her Undergraduate and Master degree in Philosophy from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Her doctoral thesis dealt with the concept of practice wisdom in the ethics of Paul Ricœur, and was awarded with the Excelencia en Tesis Doctoral 2011 prize by Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and also published by Plaza y Valdés in 2012.

Dr. Contreras is currently an Associate Professor at the same University, where she teaches since 2007. Her research has been focused on hermeneutics and ontology, and she gives lectures in the courses of Anthropology and Ethics, Introduction to Philosophy, and Truth, Goodness and Beauty, as well as seminars in Contemporary Philosophy.

She is the author of the books Yo Pienso Tú Piensas (PUC, 1989) and Conocer el Mundo Griego. Platón y Aristóteles (Andrés Bello, 2001), as well as, several articles and book chapters about the hermeneutics ethics and the anthropology of Paul Ricœur. She is a founding member of l’Association Paul Ricœur of France, the Scientific Representative for Chile for the Fonds Ricoeur, the Director of the Sociedad Ricœur Chile, and a member of the Asociación Iberoamericana Paul Ricœur (ASIER). She was invited by UNESCO to the round table “Paul Ricœur, une éthique de la connaissance”, (with A. Duhamel, C. Marin, y P. Kemp), with the presentation of « Les défis de l’éthique selon Ricœur à l’ère de la connaissance technoscientifique », the 27th of November of 2013, for the World Day of Philosophy. In addition, she is currently working on a research project on the topic of ontology and ethics in the thinking of Paul Ricœur from a hermeneutics perspective, which is a Regular Fondecyt 2016 (Nº1160097) Project, with a duration of 3 years.


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How to Cite
Contreras Tasso, B. (2017). Original Affirmation, Self-Appropriation and Attestation: Three Main Concepts for a Hermeneutics of Reception in Paul Ricoeur. Critical Hermeneutics, 1(1), 91-124. https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/3146