Feeling as a Body: On Maine de Biran’s Anthropological Concept of Sentiment

  • Luís António Umbelino


In this paper I would like to argue that in the context of Maine Bi-ran’s anthropological project – and among many other points of in-terest – one can find a particularly interesting theory of feeling (sen-timent). Since it is impossible, in the short space of this modest arti-cle, to fully deal with such a vast and intricate subject, I will simply try here to formulate the essential terms of this possibility of analy-sis, leaving the more problematic implications, scope and details for further work.


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How to Cite
Umbelino, L. (2019). Feeling as a Body: On Maine de Biran’s Anthropological Concept of Sentiment. Critical Hermeneutics, 3, 73-84. https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/3901