Lady Macbeth and Us. Power, Body and Desire

  • Tiziana de Rogatis


Aim of the study is to analyze some traits of the women’s identity  as they emerge during the Early modern age. The analysis is focused on some passages from Macbeth, the Shakespeare’s play, related to the metamorfical and absolute (both feminine and masculine) figure of Lady Macbeth. The study proceeds in the analysis going through the close reading and to the psychoanalitic interpretation and, besides, to  the hystorical reconstrution of the visibile figures (especially Elizabeth I), which have inspired the Lady Macbeth’s figure and her crossing the genders


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Author Biography

Tiziana de Rogatis

Tiziana de Rogatis is professor of Comparative literature and researcher of Italian contemporary literature at the University for Foreigners in Siena. She has studied Montale and the european poetry between the thirties and forties of the twentieth century. She wrote: Montale and the modern classicism (Pisa, Iepi, 2002), Maps of the time. Eugenio Montale and T. S. Eliot (Pisa, Pacini, 2012) and a full commentary on The occasions (Milano, Mondadori, 2011). She is now working on the modern constructions of male and female subjectivity, interpreted through the classical myths.



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How to Cite
de Rogatis, T. (2013). Lady Macbeth and Us. Power, Body and Desire. Between, 3(5).