Self-Representation and Representation of the Other in the Great War Propaganda. Some Passages from “La Tradotta” and “Die Tiroler Soldaten-Zeitung”

  • Maria Rita Murgia
Keywords: Great War, Self-Representation, Representation of the Other, Propaganda, Mass Communication, Mentality, Collective Memory


The main aim of this work is to identify, analyse and propose to modern readers and scholars, in an imagological perspective, how war propaganda, through trench papers, was able to create a group identity and a war mentality during the Great War.

In particular, this article concentrates on the vis-à-vis between Italy and Austria examining both an italian and an austrian trench paper (“La Tradotta” and the “Tiroler Soldaten-Zeitung”).

Through the comparison between some of the most interesting pieces of the two, the author tried to make the reader understand how war propaganda worked with language and how important it was in the creation of consent.

It emerges a skilful use of persuasion strategies which can be also seen in a more current perspective and can be useful for the study of modern mass media and their capacity to drive people’s way of thinking and behaviour.


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Author Biography

Maria Rita Murgia
PhD in ‘Studi Filologici e Letterari’, University of Cagliari. Main research field is war propaganda during the Great War. In particolar the analysis of trench papers as diffusion tool of stereotypes and images of the Self and of the Other (italian and austrian areas). Pubblicazioni: “Die Romanwelt (1894-1901): un esperimento di Weltliteratur”, Letterature Straniere &. Quaderni della Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere dell’Università di Cagliari, 11 (2009): 117-129; “Ernesto Gagliardi mediatore di cultura tra Italia e Germania a fine Ottocento”, Centro di Studi Filologici Sardi, (2009): 289-296; “Il valore socio-antropologico del Giovanni Tolu: tra romanzo e documento della realtà isolana.”, Letterature Straniere &. Quaderni della Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere dell’Università di Cagliari, 12 (2009): 173-185; “Antonio Gramsci e la Grande Guerra”, Letterature Straniere &. Quaderni della Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere dell’Università di Cagliari, 13, in corso di stampa.


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How to Cite
Murgia, M. R. (2011). Self-Representation and Representation of the Other in the Great War Propaganda. Some Passages from “La Tradotta” and “Die Tiroler Soldaten-Zeitung”. Between, 1(1).
Geocriticism, Geopolitics: The Gaze of the Other