The dream image as erotic fetish: Lyrics of the Renaissance in Italy and Spain.

  • Cristina Acucella
Keywords: Poetry, Renaissance, Dream, Petrarchism, Fetich, Italy, Spain


The theme of the dream of the beloved, object of special interest by the Spanish studies (Palley 1983; Maurier 1990, Alatorre 2003), links Iberian poets of the Siglo de Oro to Italian Petrarchist poetry, often through direct textual subsidiaries, both at a level of inventio and elocutio. The purpose of this study is to examine some cases in which the Petrarchist poetry, between Italy and Spain, expresses the dialectic between the desire for the real but coy and unattainable woman, and his dream ghost, more complacent and comforting. This research particularly focuses on the relationship between Eros and memory of the beloved woman body, the concept of the dream as deception, new for the Renaissance. Moreover, it would be pointed out a special cases of imitatio between Tasso and Góngora, in which the dream becomes maker of substitutive image of the beloved. Through a comparative analysis of some texts, the study highlights the constant and the variations with which Petrarchist poetry presents the theme of the dream ghost of beloved. Attention has been paid to the differences with the Petrarch RVF, as well as to the manner of reinventing and reinterpreting the theme of the maestros italianos by Spanish Petrarchism.



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Author Biography

Cristina Acucella

Graduated from the University of Basilicata, Cristina Acucella has dealt with  Baroque fairytale (the relationship between Basile and Perrault) and the theme of dream of the beloved in the poetry, from Petrarch to Marino. She took part in two projects of digital humanities: the first was a Prin (2006-2008) entitled "L’Orlando Furioso e la sua fortuna figurativa. Ricerche per un archivio digitale di parole e immagini" (for the University of Basilicata). The second project was the "ERC Starting Grant Anton Francesco Doni Multimedia Archive of Texts and Sources" (for the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa). She is currently a PhD student in Philology and Italian literature at the University of Florence, in co-supervision with the University of Bonn and the Sorbonne in Paris. She is actually working on a commented edition of the Chiara Matraini's Rime e lettere.


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How to Cite
Acucella, C. (2013). The dream image as erotic fetish: Lyrics of the Renaissance in Italy and Spain. Between, 3(5).