The seduction of the Other: dynamics of desire in Nostalghia by Andrej Tarkovskij

  • Paolo Lago University of Verona
Keywords: Desiderio, Nostalgia, Follia, Ritorno, Seduzione,


This study is aimed at investigating the dynamics of desire, also linked to the theme of the gaze, as it can be found in the film Nostalghia (1983) by Andrej Tarkovskij. First of all, the study will analyze the desire of Gorčakov, the main character, to see his remote Russia and its slow focus, thanks to the encounter with the 'crazy' marginalized Domenico, on the will to bring a candlelight from one side to the other of an ancient thermal pool. Through an approach mainly related to thematic criticism (halfway between cinema and literature) we will try to demonstrate the interrelationships, from the point of view of seduction and analysis of fetish objects, between the desire of the protagonist and that of Domenico. Using also some means of social critique offered by Michel Foucault, we shall obtain results never previously analyzed by critical studies on Tarkovskij and Nostalghia.


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Author Biography

Paolo Lago, University of Verona

Paolo Lago has a PhD in Literatures and Sciences of Literature at the University of Verona. He is specially interested in modern and contemporary reception of ancient literature, cinema and literature, theory and criticism of the cinema. Among his publications: L’ombra corsara di Menippo. La linea culturale menippea, fra letteratura e cinema, da Pasolini a Arbasino e Fellini, 2007; I personaggi classici secondo Metastasio. “Catone in Utica”, “Olimpiade”, “Achille in Sciro”, 2010.


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Cataluccio, Francesco M., “Tarkovskij e l’Occidente”, Il fuoco, l’acqua, l’ombra. Andrej Tarkovskij: il cinema fra poesia e profezia, Ed. Paolo Zamperini, Firenze, La Casa Usher, 1989: 33-37.

Chion, Michel, Andreї Tarkovski, Paris, Cahiers du cinéma éditions, 2007.

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Jankélévitch, Vladimir, “La nostalgia”, Nostalgia. Storia di un sentimento, Ed. Antonio Prete, Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 1992: 119-176.

Lago, Paolo - Landi, Paolo, “La cattedrale e il vulcano. Conversazione su Andrej Tarkovskij”, Cinemasessanta, 301(2009): 46-57.

Masoni, Tullio - Vecchi, Paolo, Andrej Tarkovskij, Milano, Il Castoro cinema, 1997.

Orlando, Francesco, Gli oggetti desueti nelle immagini della letteratura. Rovine, reliquie, rarità, robaccia, luoghi inabitati e tesori nascosti, Torino, Einaudi, 1993.

Tarkovskij, Andrej, Racconti cinematografici, Milano, Garzanti, 1994.

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How to Cite
Lago, P. (2013). The seduction of the Other: dynamics of desire in <i>Nostalghia</i&gt; by Andrej Tarkovskij. Between, 3(5).