The tyranny of the beginnings

  • Luca Cristiano
Keywords: Walter, Siti, Michel, Houellebecq, Theory, Fiction, Desire, Society


This article aims to investigate the apparent dialectic between the diegetic function and the commentative function in the works of Walter Siti and Michel Houellebecq. The main thesis of this analysis considers the first as contingent on the second function. It will be investigated the ways in which the two authors submit their quite similar worldviews to different narrative procedures.

The study starts from a few general points about some of the speech devices activated in fictional writing. The second step lies in an overview of the recurring practices in the two authors' works, coming to a conclusion on some textual evidences considering two works in which the occurrences discussed seem to plainly transpire: Extension du doumain de la luit and Autopsia dell’ossessione.

At the end of the analysis, it is possible to assume that Siti and Houellebecq achieve in fiction a significant settlement of the intermittence between conceptualizing phases and narrative phases.


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Author Biography

Luca Cristiano

Currently enrolled PHD student in Philology, Linguistics and Literature at the University of Pisa. University subject expert in modern and contemporary Italian literature course. Collaborated with the journals Allegoria, Il primo amore, Arabeschi


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How to Cite
Cristiano, L. (2013). The tyranny of the beginnings. Between, 3(5).