Many ways of Waiting for Godot

  • Mirta Cimmino
Keywords: Waiting for Godot, Beckett, intersemiotic translation, adaptation, theatre, drama, intepretation, Fruttero


As any literary text, a dramatic text can be translated in a range of endless and equivalent stagings. Therefore, a comparative analysis of different performances of the same play can reveal its latent potentialities and show it to us from new perspectives, as many as the analysed performances, and all of them would be valid. This is what we intend to do through this work, by comparing two different stagings of Waiting for Godot: the first one by Lorenzo Loris, director of the troupe of the Theatre Out Off, from Milan (2009/2010); the second one is directed by Francesco Saponaro in the Theatre Mercadante, in Naples.Thanks to some useful tools like the DVD recordings of both shows and the interviews kindly granted by the directors, we could start first analyzing the non-verbal elements of each show (most of all the sets), and then comparing the scripts. Finally, we could deduce from such analysis the translation project and the interpretation of each troupe, and find proofs of ours results in the interviews.


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How to Cite
Cimmino, M. (2012). Many ways of Waiting for Godot. Between, 2(4).