From Bruges-la-Morte to Le Mirage. The loss of a character?
The title of Bruges-la-Morte by Georges Rodenbach's novel written in 1892, could be considered without much effort an eponymous title, considering the city of Bruges as the main character of the story. That is a statement by the same author in fact, the city is not only the place where the story develops, but the character that affects and causes actions themselves of the protagonist of the novel, the widower Hugues Viane. If the intent of the author is certainly realized in the novel, what about the city's role in the posthumous play adapted from Bruges-la-Morte, entitled Le Mirage? Shall we perhaps resign to the loss of a character, transformed irreversibly to a pure scenario? Or maybe is it possible through dialogue and staging made to recreate the atmosphere of anguish and sense of death that emanates from the Rodenbach’s canals, bells and belfries ? The objective of this proposed study is therefore to investigate the differences between the novel and the play works to highlight the different textual aspects which focuses differently in the two Rodenbach’s works.Downloads
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