Other Possible Worlds (Theory, Narration, Thought)

  • Paola Del Zoppo University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”
Keywords: Fictions, Possible Worlds, Utopias, Science fiction


The issue Other Possible Worlds (Theory, Narration, Thought) aims to investigate fiction and its frontiers, objects of critical and theoretical attention, starting from the central position they occupy in the conceptual, aesthetic, and methodological debate - for the 20th Century as well as at the beginning of the 21st. The boundaries between fiction and non-fiction disclose connections with the invention of possible worlds in literary and artistic texts in general: utopias, eutopias, dystopias, and anti-utopias, whose peculiar strategies make them identifiable in representations and writings. The sheer number of studies and investigations focused on the relationship between fact and fiction in the last decades calls for a multidisciplinary dialogue to deepen the different meanings, messages, and aesthetic forms developed, especially in the literary field.


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How to Cite
Del Zoppo, P. (2024). Other Possible Worlds (Theory, Narration, Thought). Between, 14(27), i-xv. Retrieved from https://ojs.unica.it/index.php/between/article/view/6281