Arrabal’s Cosmogony: "Pingüinas" or the Creation According to Pan
Co-founder of the “Panic Movement” Fernando Arrabal created in 2005 a new cosmogony of his theatrical universe in a text, Pingüinas, that merges and mixes space and time, in an alchemic experiment that combines extracts from the works of Miguel de Cervantes with references that go beyond postmodernity. Hybridity and plurality, fiction and fantasy are all essential elements in the artistic vision of this playwright; in this essay, we aim to probe the theatrical modalities with which Arrabal translates, more than forty years after the “Panic Manifesto”, his universe, with the intention not only of studying the possible worlds he proposes through his art, but also trying to investigate the concept proposed by Bauman of “retrotopia”.
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Arrabal, Fernando, Teatro completo, vol. I, León, Editorial Everest / F. Instituto Castellano y Leonés de la Lengua, 2009b.
Arrabal, Fernando, Pingüinas, Colección Estrenos del Español, Madrid, Teatro Español de Madrid, 2015.
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Martínez, Layla, Utopía no es una isla. Catálogo de mundos mejores, Madrid, Episkaia, 2021.
Santos Sánchez, Diego, El teatro pánico de Fernando Arrabal, Woodbridge (Suffolk), Tamesis, 2014.
Schifres, Alain, Entretiens avec Arrabal, Paris, Editions Pierre Belfond, 1969.
Torres Monreal, Francisco, “Introducción”, in Arrabal, Teatro completo, vol. I, León, Editorial Everest / F. Instituto Castellano y Leonés de la Lengua, 2009: 1-118.
Trecca, Simone, La parola, il sogno, la memoria: “El laberinto” (1956) di Fernando Arrabal, Pisa, ETS, 2005.
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