Fantastic Linkages and Transgression of Possible Worlds in Nicolas Eymerich, inquisitore by Valerio Evangelisti
The main purpose of this article is to identify the narrative devices of transgression of the different Possible Worlds (PWs) that constitute the science fiction novel Nicolas Eymerich, inquisitore by Valerio Evangelisti, applying the apperception theory on fantastic linkages.
In this work, the construction of the PW1 of present space-time is founded on concrete theoretical and applicative developments of specific physical theories already drawn up our Actual World (AW), materializing in the PW2 of future space-time, with narrative and ontological repercussions also on the PW3 of past space-time.
Through the cognitive perspective of apperception theory and the text analytic schema, we can highlight the mechanisms of horizontal hyperlepsis of diegetic elements involving the distinct paradigmatic anomalies of PW3 and the final transgressive alteration between PW2 and PW3.
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