Fable with Beast. An (eco)utopian Reading of Alonso e i visionari
An (eco)utopian reading of Alonso e i visionari
The article proposes a utopian reading of Anna Maria Ortese’s novel Alonso e i visionari from an ecocritical perspective. This proposal stems from the idea that understanding a utopian quality in the novel can help better grasp its key points: a critique of the capitalist model, a call for respect for nature and non-human species, and the establishment of a new epistemology. The inherent porosity of utopian discourse, while encouraging openness, also requires a critical approach to utopia as a literary genre. Both the thematic and formal features of the utopian genre can be identified in the Ortesian novel. Hence, the juxtaposition of Alonso e i visionari with utopia is of twofold interest: on the one hand, it problematizes the accuses of abstractionism towards the utopian genre; on the other, it highlights the value of an ecological-philosophical reading of the Ortesian novel.
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