All the world’s a mega construction site: Rimini Protokoll’s Gesellschaftsmodell Großbaustelle
Theatre and work not only show many similarities but also have influenced one another for a long time. The following paper investigates how contemporary German theatre – specifically the work of the theatre collective Rimini Protokoll – deals with the representation of work in performative and interactive plays. Focusing first on the general approach of the group on this subject and then on the performance Gesellschaftsmodell Großbaustelle it will be shown how, by exploiting affinities between work and theatre and also ironically recurring to different theatre traditions, Rimini Protokoll’s theatre aims to counteract the alienation and de-personalization brought about by the mechanisms that regulate post-capitalist labor in order both to rehabilitate work – also theatrical work – as an indeed productive dimension of humankind and to urge a reflection on condition of the (post)modern homo laborans.
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