Mobility and rhythm: the representation of work and landscape in Vinci's Strada Provinciale tre
This article analyses the representation of labour in Simona Vinci’ Strada Provinciale Tre (2007), considering its deep relationship with environmental issues and ecological awareness. Thanks to an ecopoetic analysis of this novel, my research aims to contribute to the literary-critical debate around labour by focusing on different aspects which aren’t usually considered; on the one hand, I will look at the interrelation between the act of working and the environmental transformations, on the other, I will explore the expressive possibilities of ecological images that are linked with labour. The former will be shown by observing the different effects which Capitalism has on the working-body and on the Earth-body. The latter will be examined through three different narrative processes that distinguish Vinci’s novel: immersive walking, natural and anthropic rhythms, social and spatial aspects of mobile practices. The theoretical framework will combine the thematic analysis of labour with Mobilities studies and Ecopoetic.
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