«A monomaniac character of a novel and extraordinary form». The fantastic Illustrations by Alberto Martini for Edgar Allan Poë’s Tales.
The general aim of this article is to question the opportunities offered by the tools of classical narratology for image analysis, particularly those images that accompany or derive from text. This would probe the legitimacy of parallelism between systems of description and interpretation, which could be used for both media (metarelations, according to Kibédi Varga’s theoretical indication). An attempt has been made to demonstrate the value of this proposal through a case study taken from the cycle of illustrations created by Alberto Martini (1876-1954) for E. A. Poe’s tales: specifically, the work related to his The Tell-Tale Heart. A comparison was made between the narratological categories associated with the fantastic genre by Tzvetan Todorov, and the dynamics of Martini’s visual syntax. A further comparison was made with illustrations inspired by the same text but created by different artists. The result of these correlations highlights a structural correspondence leading to the same reading effect, which is the peculiar feature of fantastic art.
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