In front of the Great Machine of the Law

  • Remo Ceserani University of Bologna
Keywords: Literature, Law, Trial, Protagonists, Metaphors,


Literature and its representations of the legal world.Remarkable differences between the administration of the  law in countries that follow the tradition of the Roman law and those that operate according to Anglo-Saxon customs. The protagonists of the court-room drama:  the defendant, the prosecutor, the lawyers, the testifiers, the expert witness, the judge, the jurors, the audience. The machine of the law, its functioning, the atmosphere of the court in their metaphorical representations in literary texts. The frequent difficulty experienced by defendants and audience to understand the machinery of the law. Examples from many literary and filmic texts, from the Book of Job to the novels by Grisham.


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Author Biography

Remo Ceserani, University of Bologna

Remo Ceserani has been professor of Comparative literature in the University of Bologna until November 2006. In the following years he has taught courses as visiting professor at ETH Zurich, São Paulo, and Stanford.  He has written manuals and introductions to literary studies and books on trains in literature, on the fantastic, on modernity and  postmodernity, on the figure of the foreigner in the European tradition. Among his recent books: Convergenze, on the relationship between literature and the other disciplines (Milan, Mondadori-Pearson, 2010),  L’occhiodella Medusa on photography and literature (Turin, Bollati-Boringhieri, 2011), and Letteraturanell’etàglobale (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, with GiulianaBenvenuti). Forthcoming a book on literature and ethology (with DaniloMainardi).He hasedited, with Mario Domenichelli and Pino Fasano, a three-volumesDizionario dei temi letterari (Torino, UTET, 2007). Recent interviews have appeared in the journals «Studiculturali», «Italian studies», «L’immaginazione», «Transpostcross», «Romance Sphere».



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Capuana Luigi, “Alle assise” (1888), Raccolta di opere, Nostra gente, e-book Intertext, 2011, s. n. p.

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Id.,“In tribunale” (1886), Ceserani (2001): 21-29.

Id., “La Sirena” (1886), Racconti 1886-88, Ed. Eridano Balzarelli, Milano, Mursia, 1963: 882-86.

Ceserani, Remo (ed.), L’intreccio delle circostanze. Antologia di racconti giudiziari, Palermo, Sellerio, 2001.

Id., “Romanzi e racconti giudiziari”, Compar(a)ison. An International Journal of Comparative Literature, numero speciale: Between Literature and Law: on Voices and Voicelessness, Eds. Sergia Adamo – Clotilde Bertoni, 1 (2003): 11-22.

Id., Convergenze. Gli strumenti letterari e le altre discipline, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2010.

Dostoevskij, Fëdor, Delitto e castigo (1886), pref. di Natalia Ginzburg, Torino, Einaudi, 1993.

Edlinger, Karl Andreas (ed.), Fiat Justitia. Jurisengeschichten aus 15 Ländern, München, DTV, 1985.

France, Anatole, “Crainquebille“ (1901), Ceserani 2001: 90-116.

Friedl, Hermann, “Fiat Justitia“, Edlinger 1985: 283-91.

Grisham, John, L’ultimo giurato (2004), Milano, Mondadori, 2004.

Hichens, Robert S., Il caso Paradine (1933), Ed. Remo Ceserani, Palermo, Sellerio, 1995.

Kafka, Franz, Il processo (1925), Ed. Ervino Pocar, Milano, Mondadori, 1992.

Klíma, Ivan, Soudce z milosti (1986), trad. inglese: Judge on Trial, London, Vintage, 1992.

“Il libro di Giobbe”, La Bibbia, traduzione interconfessionale in lingua corrente, Torino, Leumann, 1985: 860-97.

Mortimer, John, The First Rumpole Omnibus, London, Penguin, 1981.

Id., The Second Rumpole Omnibus, London, Penguin, 1987.

Id, Avventure di un avvocato (1978), Ed. Stefania Michelucci, Palermo, Sellerio, 1999.

Rose, Reginald, Twelve Angry Men, testo teatrale (1954), trad. it. La parola ai giurati, Roma, Arcadia & Ricono, 2008.

Scarfoglio, Edoardo, Il processo di Frine (1884), Ed. Remo Ceserani, Palermo, Sellerio, 1995.

Train, Arthur, “The human element”, Tutt and Mr. Tutt, New York, Scribner, 1920.

Verga, Giovanni, “Un processo” (1864), Novelle, Ed. Giulio Carnazzi, Milano, Rizzoli BUR, 1988, vol. II: 60-67.

Wassermann, Jakob. Il caso Mauritius (1928). Milano, Corbaccio, 1933.

Wiechert, Ernst, Il giudice(1948), Ceserani 2001:147-63.

Wishingrad, Jay (ed.), Legal Fiction. Short Stories about lawyers and the law, London, Quartet Books, 1995.

Zola, Émile, La bestia umana (1890), Intr. di Roland Barthes, Milano, Rizzoli, seconda ediz., 1981.


L'affaire Maurizius, Dir. Julien Duvivier, France - Italia, 1954.

La bête humaine, Dir. Jean Renoir, France, 1938.

Il caso Maurizius, Dir. Anton Giulio Majano, Italia, 1961.

Der Fall Maurizius, Dir. Theodor Kotulla, Deutschland, 1981.

Human Desire, Fritz Lang, U.S.A., 1954.

The Paradine Case, Dir. Alfred Hitchcock, U.S.A., 1947.

“Il processo di Frine”, Altri tempi, Dir. Alessandro Blasetti, Italia, 1952.

Twelve Angry Men, versione it. La parola ai giurati, Dir. Sidney Lumet, U.S.A., 1957.

How to Cite
Ceserani, R. (2012). In front of the Great Machine of the Law. Between, 2(3).
Before the Law: an Introduction