Into Kafka's Burrow. Conversation with Luigi Lo Cascio

A conversation with Luigi Lo Cascio

  • Francesco Fiorentino University of Rome 3
Keywords: Kafka, Der Bau, Theatre adaptation, Luigi Lo Cascio


Luigi Lo Cascio’s Nella tana is the theatre adaptation of Kafka’s story Der Bau (The Burrow), the monologue of a strange creature that struggles to secure his labyrinthine burrow. This conversation with the actor and director put in the focus some important aspects of the process of converting Kafka's story into a theatrical performance. 


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Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Kafka. Pour une littérature mineure (1989), trad. it. Kafka. Per una letteratura minore, Quodlibet, Macerata 2010.
How to Cite
Fiorentino, F. (2021). Into Kafka’s Burrow. Conversation with Luigi Lo Cascio. Between, 11(22), 271-288.
Conversation Pieces / Interviews: Ed. Massimo Fusillo

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