Immersive Performances as a Contemporary Lehrstück: the Berlin Example of Rimini Protokoll and Interrobang
The essay analyzes the works of the German theater groups Rimini Protokoll and Interrobang as an example of contemporary Lehrstück and as the epicenter of an intermedial constellation that involves V/R, hyper-reality, pedagogical and political aims in contemporary German theater. The analysis allows a philological excursus through the history of Lehrstück, in search of its nuclear identity. Focusing on Rimini Protokoll’s and Interrobang’s performances of the last five years, the aim is to investigate the evolving and estranging relationship between text, performance, and spectator in immersive theater contexts.
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(ultimo accesso 25/10/2021)
dgtl fmnsm, FACE:
Id., Pre-enacting Europe:
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Theater und Netz:
Elio Germano, Segnale d’allarme. La mia battaglia, VR:
Raumwelten Festival:
Rimini Protokoll:
Rimini Protokoll Official:
She She Pop:
Ulf Schmidt:
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