Alessandra Diazzi, Alvise Sforza Tarabochia (eds.), The Years of Alienation in Italy. Factory and Asylum Between the Economic Miracle and the Years of Lead

  • Marina Guglielmi University of Cagliari


Review of the book The Years of Alienation in Italy. Factory and Asylum Between the Economic Miracle and the Years of Lead edited by Alessandra Diazzi and Alvise Sforza Tarabochia.


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Diazzi Alessandra, Sforza Tarabochia, Alvise, The Years of Alienation in Italy. Factory and Asylum Between the Economic Miracle and the Years of Lead, Plagrave Macmillan, 2019.
How to Cite
Guglielmi, M. (2020). Alessandra Diazzi, Alvise Sforza Tarabochia (eds.), <i>The Years of Alienation in Italy. Factory and Asylum Between the Economic Miracle and the Years of Lead</i&gt;. Between, 10(20), 430-436.