Self-representation of creative process in samizdat texts

  • Mario Caramitti Università di Roma La Sapienza
Keywords: Samizdat, self-representation, modernism, Sokolov, Venedikt Erofeev


Self-representation of creative process is a common strategy for several samizdat authors, mainly those who approach literary creation from an aesthetic point of view that is very close to the modernist one. These texts are characterized by peculiar features, such as an emphasis on the author himself and his more or less distinct hypostases (the author often becomes the addressee of his own text); by their physicality, bodily nature, evidence of a paper-made, typewritten text; by a focus on underground writers’ community, their interaction, reciprocal role as readers, advisors, co-authors, as well as on the fundamental role of the underground community of readers, which allows to distribute and multiply samizdat texts.



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Author Biography

Mario Caramitti, Università di Roma La Sapienza
Dipartimento di Lettere e Culture Moderne, professore associato


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How to Cite
Caramitti, M. (2020). Self-representation of creative process in samizdat texts. Between, 10(19), 45-65.