The reality of fiction in Orhan Pamuk's 'innocent objects'

  • Corinne Pontillo Università di Catania
Keywords: Literature, Realism, Fiction, Orhan Pamuk, Museum


In 2012 Orhan Pamuk inaugurated in Istanbul the Museum of Innocence, treated in detail, from the preparation to the disposition of objects, by the author. The exhibit arises from the novel The Museum of Innocence (2008), in which the protagonist Kemal, evident authorial projection, provides for the impossibility of a relationship with the young Füsun through the collection of the objects belonged to her. They are the same ones that will be exposed in the Museum created by Pamuk and that will be reproduced in the relative catalogue The Innocence of Objects. The reality, therefore, derives from literary fiction and offers a further declination of the ‘invention of truth’ theoretically analyzed by Federico Bertoni in his book Realismo e letteratura. Starting from a comparison between the metatextual dimension of the Museum of Innocence and the reality and fiction exchange in The Innocence of Objects, the contribution will focus on the relations of this part of Pamuk’s production with the referent and on memorial and identity implications expressed by the universe imagined and shaped by the Turkish writer.


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Author Biography

Corinne Pontillo, Università di Catania
Dottore di ricerca presso l'Università degli Studi di Catania (Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche)


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How to Cite
Pontillo, C. (2019). The reality of fiction in Orhan Pamuk’s ’innocent objects’. Between, 9(18).