Interlocutory Scene and Judiciary Paradigm in Italian Migrant Writings
Within the field of studies about the so-called Italian Migrant Literature it is possible to identify two approaches that can be ascribed to the “Law and Literature” movement. The first one consists in focusing on the provisions of the Law which are the pre-text or the sub-text of many immigration novels. The second approach considers the migrant writings as acts of talking back requesting for justice through the singularity of personal narrative which is in contrast with the normative and objectifying narratives of the official discourse. My paper is aiming to propose a different key of reading which is focusing both on the wider normative framework in which migrant writings are caught and on the interlocutory scene that I consider as a recurrent structure of auto-hetero-biographic and fictional narratives of migrants. Its dynamics become allegory of an inquisitory and judiciary paradigm permeating the “welcoming society” and deriving from the categories of “State thought” through which immigration is conceived and narrated by the law and migratory policies and to which migrant writings sometimes “talk back” by means of parodic quotations and rephrasing understood as possible practices of resistance.
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