When mockumentary gets Italian: Il ritorno di Cagliostro along the lines of Forgotten Silver

  • Emanuele Broccio Università Paris Nanterre
Keywords: mockumentary, intertextuality, spectator, biopic, reality


Playing on a fusion between the aesthetic strategies of the documentary as a genre and the discursive features of the fiction, Il ritorno di Cagliostro (Ciprì and Maresco: 2003) should be classified within that filmic category called mockumentary. The following essay will analyse first how the techniques used put the spectator in a continuous oscillation between the feeling of witnessing real-life situations and the suspicion of fiction. The alternation of the two systems, around which the film is structured, thus dynamically characterizes the communication pact. Secondly, we will examine Forgotten Silver by Peter Jackson which is the foreign model that acts behind Ciprì and Maresco’s formal choices, highlighting how the most significant difference can be traced on a thematic level. Subject, setting and plot, they all contribute – often in the forms of the grotesque – to a lucid and radical critique of Italian political and religious institutions. Finally, the study thus conducted will allow us to recognise Il ritorno di Cagliostro as an attempt to respond to today's need of the cinema for a return to reality.


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Author Biography

Emanuele Broccio, Università Paris Nanterre

Emanuele Broccio is a researcher with a specific interest in Italian Contemporary Literature,Comparative Literatureand Cinema, currently teaching at the University of France. He is author of two monographs: Tra amore e Resistenza. La drammaturgia di Beppe Fenoglio (Il Mulino, 2017) and Dal corpo assediato alle macerie della memoria. La poesia di Jolanda Insana (Carabba, 2018). Broccio has worked with some well-known journals, such as “Narrativa” and “ChroniquesItaliennes”, publishing several essays. He is an associate member of the research center for Italian studies CRIX (Centre de Recherches Italiennes) at the University of Paris Nanterre. In March 2017 he obtained the French national scientific qualification of Italian Studiesat the level of Associate Professor (Maître de conference).


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How to Cite
Broccio, E. (2019). When mockumentary gets Italian: <i>Il ritorno di Cagliostro</i> along the lines of <i>Forgotten Silver</i&gt;. Between, 9(18). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/3751