Between screens and dreams: which virtuality?

  • Riccardo Panattoni Università di Verona
Keywords: Image, dream, video, virtuality, memory


By delving into the relation between image and memory, this paper puts into question the bodily reality of screens. Or rather, it questions how our own bodies are themselves but screens, a fabric on which the images of our dreams slide by, thus bestowing upon us the gift of the time for an experience of pure virtuality. The paper focuses on the work of video-artist Bill Viola assuming the philosophical perspective of Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Lacan. 


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Deleuze, Gilles, L’immanence: une vie, in L’Île déserte. Textes et entretiens 1953-1974, Id., Paris, Minuit, 2002; tr. it. L’isola deserta e altri scritti. Testi e interviste 1953-1974, Torino, Einaudi, 2004.

Didi-Huberman, Georges, Phasmes. Essai sur l’apparition, Paris, Minuit, 1998; tr. it., La conoscenza accidentale. Apparizione e sparizione delle immagini, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2011.

Lacan, Jacques, Le Séminaire. Livre XI. Les quatre concepts fon- damentaux de la psychanalyse, Paris, Seuil 1973; tr. it. Il Seminario. Libro XI. I quattro concetti fondamentali della psicoanalisi, 1964, Torino, Einaudi, 1975.

Valéry, Paul, Rencontre. Paul Valéry et Pierre Lous à Montpellier en 1890. Premières correspondances, Mazamet, Babel-Accroc, 1990.

Viola, Bill, Video Black. The Mortality of the Image, in Illiminating Video. An Essential Guide to Video Art, Eds. Doug Hall e Sally Jo Fifer, New York, Aperture/BAVC, 1990; tr. it., Nero Video. La mortalità dell’immagine, Roma, Castelvecchi, 2016.

How to Cite
Panattoni, R. (1). Between screens and dreams: which virtuality?. Between, 8(16).