Deep Surfaces. A Paleontology of the Screen

  • Michele Cometa Università di Palermo
Keywords: Visual Culture, Paleontology of the screen, Extended mind


Can we resist to the lure of the archaic? Should we resist? Can we really speak of “paleolithic visual cultures”, and therefore of paleolithic screens, displays and so on? My point is that we need a paleontology of the screen. Because we know, it could shed some light to our notions of assemblageapparatusdispositif, but – more important – it can help us to sketch the «cognitive map» of Homo sapiens’ screenology, which is a part of our reflection on the extended mind (no doubt, in fact, that the screen is – among other things – a prosthesis of our mind).


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How to Cite
Cometa, M. (2018). Deep Surfaces. A Paleontology of the Screen. Between, 8(16).