The Digital Remediation and the Fade Out of the Self in Annie Ernaux's Photojournal

  • Roberta Coglitore Università degli studi di Palermo Dipartimento Culture e società
Keywords: Photo-text, Autobiography, Annie Ernaux, Remediation, Display


The aim of the paper is the analysis of the Photojournal, an autobiographical photo-text dispositiv that Annie Ernaux composes as a preface to the volume of her works, Écrire la vie (Gallimard, 2011). The biographical section of the volume becomes an autobiographical premise, where the author combines 70 photos and 100 passages from her journals to explain the reasons of her writing. The pictures illustrate the material reality and the diaries express the subjective reality: two conditions that allowed the writing of the author's works.

The analysis of the phototextual composition highlighted two depth effects: the palimpsest and the collage. Through the layers overlapping of the documents reproduced, Ernaux translates into the space of the pages, the time of the autobiographical narration (as well as in the prose of Les Années, 2008).

The digital remediation of the diaries allows to Ernaux to reconstruct a continuously evolving self, a nomadic being always shifting from a passage another. Through the computer screen Ernaux not only is reflected in her past, but she finds a “Display of One's Own”, which continue the research on the impersonal form of autobiographical narration and the fade out of the self.


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Author Biography

Roberta Coglitore, Università degli studi di Palermo Dipartimento Culture e società

Roberta Coglitore insegna Comunicazione letteraria e Letteratura italiana presso l’Università degli studi di Palermo. Ha pubblicato: Pietre figurate. Forme del fantastico e mondo minerale, (Ets, 2004),Storie dipinte. Gli ex voto di Dino Buzzati(edizioni di passaggio, 2012), Le vertigini della materia. Roger Caillois, la letteratura e il fantastico(Quodlibet, 2016) e con Valeria Cammarata, Michele Cometa, Archaeologies of Visual Culture. Gazes, Optical Devices and Images from 17th to 20th Cantury (V&R Unipress, 2016). Inoltre ha tradotto R. Caillois, Parigi. Un apprendistato(edizioni di passaggio, 2012) e ha curato, con Michele Cometa, il volume: Fototesti. Letteratura e cultura visuale(Quodlibet, 2016).


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How to Cite
Coglitore, R. (2019). The Digital Remediation and the Fade Out of the Self in Annie Ernaux’s Photojournal. Between, 8(16).