The Trouble of Innocence: Tragedy, Theory and the Modern Novel

  • Cristina Savettieri Scuola Normale Superiore
Keywords: Tragedy, Modern novel, Innocence, Tragic theory, Epic literature


This article is divided into a premise and two parts: in the first, the author discusses how, from Aristotle’s Poetics onwards, tragic theory and criticism have tackled the issue of innocence and undeserved suffering; in the second, by analyzing the conventional opposition between tragedy and the novel, the author claims that the idea of the novel as an anti-tragic genre stems from a substantially anti-tragic idea of tragedy itself, which proves very resilient in modern theories. Undeserved suffering is then discussed as a conceptual means to overcome this theoretical stalemate.


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How to Cite
Savettieri, C. (2017). The Trouble of Innocence: Tragedy, Theory and the Modern Novel. Between, 7(14).
Roots of the Tragic