India and England in the Mirror. A Post-imperial Portrait of Tom Stoppard

  • Lucia Esposito University Of Teramo
Keywords: Eurocentrism, Colonialims, Postcolonial, Representation, Portrait, Mimesis, Mimicry


The paper is focused on a sophisticated radio play by Tom Stoppard, In the Native State (1991), in which the dramatist approaches the problems linked to the ethics of the British Empire in dealing with Indian culture in both the colonial and post-colonial periods. To do this, the play confronts and complexly interlaces two different sets, India in the Thirties and London in 1990, as if they were two worlds reflecting themselves in a time mirror. The issues dealt with, such as the centuries-old westernization of the Indian minds and culture on one side, and the Indianization of British language and customs on the other, are subtlety treated in art terms, as the reciprocal relationship between the two worlds conflates in the hybrid style of the portraits executed by the hand of an Indian painter who, notwithstanding, or thanks to, his mimic identity (in Homi Bhabha’s terms), becomes the mouthpiece of a fundamental ‘change of perspective’, from the Eurocentric representation of the Orient (in Edward Said’s terms) to the re-appropriation of a different point of view translating the achievement of the Nationalist movement that led India to independence in the Forties.


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Author Biography

Lucia Esposito, University Of Teramo

Lucia Esposito is an English Language and Literature researcher at the University of Teramo (Faculty of Communication Studies). She has published articles and essays in several fields: the relationship between figurative and spectacular arts in Baroque and Shakespearean theatre; Victorian fiction (Bronte, Stoker, Wells); the fruitful exchange between high and pop culture in contemporary literature (Carter, Hornby, Stoppard, women's fiction); the transformations of cultural memory, especially towards the Sixties myth (Lessing, Byatt); the new literary languages produced by media cross-fertilizations (publishing the volume Scene sonore. I radiodrammi di Samuel Beckett, Liguori 2005); the metropolitan dimension of some post-colonial youth-centred writing (Malkani), in particular for a volume she has co-edited with F. Deriu and A. Ruggiero (Metropoli e nuovi consumi culturali. Performance urbane dell’identità, Carocci 2009); the latest urban and cultural transformations of London (Sinclair, MacLeod).


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Reynolds, Gillian, “Tom’s Sound Affects” (1991), Tom Stoppard in Conversation, Ed. Paul Delaney, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1994: 248-251.

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How to Cite
Esposito, L. (2011). India and England in the Mirror. A Post-imperial Portrait of Tom Stoppard. Between, 1(2).