«It was as Russian that I wrote my first novel». Wyndham Lewis and Dostoevskij

  • Flora de Giovanni University of Salerno
Keywords: Modernism, English, Dostoevskij, Lewis, Novel


The purpose of this study is highlighting the influence exerted by Dostoevsky’s work on Wyndham Lewis’ first novel, Tarr (1918), and the consequent similarity between their fictional methods. Although in the age of the so-called “Dostoevsky cult” the Russian writer was mostly praised for his moral concern and his interest in psychology, the English literary world unanimously perceived his novels as shapeless and heterogeneous in structure and style – “fluid puddings”, in the words of Henry James. On the contrary, Lewis seems to acknowledge the originality of the Russian novelist’s textual construction, that highly complex, vital whole, later identified by Bakhthin as the expression of a «plurality of independent and unmerged voices and consciousnesses». If compared with The Possessed, Tarr reveals its debt to Dostoevsky’s narrative in the depiction of the characters and especially in the plot, revolved around a series of scenes charged with psychological dynamism, which are clearly reminiscent of the Russian’s tumultuous, scandal-ridden group scenes.


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Author Biography

Flora de Giovanni, University of Salerno

Flora de Giovanni is Associate Professor of English Literature at the University of Salerno. She has published essays on translation, autobiographical writing, fictional characterization, and the relation between painting and literature in Modernism, chiefly in Wyndham Lewis and Virginia Woolf. She is the translator of Woolf’s essays on visual arts (Immagini/Pictures, Liguori, 2002). Her recent books include La pagina e la tela. Intersezioni in Virginia Woolf (Giannini, 2007), Scritture dell’immagine. Percorsi figurativi della parola (co-edited with Antonella d’Amelia e Lucia Perrone Capano, Liguori, 2007), Tradurre in pratica (co-edited with Bruna Di Sabato, ESI, 2010).



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How to Cite
de Giovanni, F. (2011). «It was as Russian that I wrote my first novel». Wyndham Lewis and Dostoevskij. Between, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/280