The Father's Shadow. The Torment of Revenge in Adelchi, Cid and Hamlet

  • Elena Maiolini University Ca' Foscari - Paris IV-Sorbonne
Keywords: Manzoni, Corneille, Shakespeare, tragedy, revenge, responsability, suicide


This study analyzes similarities and differences between the figures of Adelchi, in Alessandro Manzoni’s tragedy, and the Cid of Pierre Corneille, significantly close to some aspects of the Hamlet’s character, and between the figures of theirs fathers, eager for revenge whose fulfillment falls on the shoulders of their children. Through the analysis of the remarkable Manzoni’s comments on the Cid and their echo in the first version of the Promessi Sposi, it intends to observe the importance for the writer of the representation of the desire for revenge as a literary subject that leads to discovering pulsating motives of truth on man. 


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Author Biography

Elena Maiolini, University Ca' Foscari - Paris IV-Sorbonne
PhD at University Ca' Foscari - Paris IV-Sorbonne


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How to Cite
Maiolini, E. (2017). The Father’s Shadow. The Torment of Revenge in Adelchi, Cid and Hamlet. Between, 7(14).
Roots of the Tragic