“Largo a noi, all’alta battaglia”: Zola’s engagement in Italian perspective

  • Edoardo Scarfoglio
  • Filippo Turati


In a few of his novels belonging to the series Les Rougon-Macquart, especially in Germinal, Zola develops the relationship between literature and politics in the most powerful way: actually, these novels come to shook or to awaken readers, and sometimes to urge them to political engagement, exactly because they are not programmatically engaged; and, of course, they arouse very different reactions. We represent here two of the most interesting ones: a harsh criticism of Germinal by Edoardo Scarfoglio, one among the sharpest journalists of the time; and a deeply affected commemoration of Zola by Filippo Turati, the leader of Italian Socialist Party.


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How to Cite
Scarfoglio, E., & Turati, F. (2016). “Largo a noi, all’alta battaglia”: Zola’s engagement in Italian perspective. Between, 5(10). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/2502