Transformation of the serial fiction. Narrative structure from analog to digital

  • Giovanna Zaganelli Università per stranieri di Perugia
  • Toni Marino Università per Stranieri di Perugia
Keywords: Serial, Sequential, Simultaneous, Remediation, Blending


This paper discusses the narrative theories on the serial stories and their connections with the temporal order of the story, starting from the approach of interpretative semiotics. The scope of this work is to show how, in the transition from analogical to digital media, the temporal order of the serial stories is changed by the remediation of the characteristics of digital texts in analogical media. The new temporal order is based on the simultaneous structure similar to hypertext. These new serial stories – web literature, web series, high concept and experimental cartoon movie – impose new constraints to cooperation pact between author and reader, and identify a new model reader. He/she is literate in the digital environment, he/she does not identify the series by genre but by narrative modes, he/she can actively participate in the evolution of the plot and – basic feature – he/she does not identify the relationship between the episodes of the series on the basis of a principle of conceptual dependency, but according to a principle of conceptual blending.


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How to Cite
Zaganelli, G., & Marino, T. (2016). Transformation of the serial fiction. Narrative structure from analog to digital. Between, 6(11).
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