Impegno 3.0. Towards participatory criticism?

  • Pierpaolo Antonello University of Cambridge
Keywords: audience, impegno


This essay is a general discussion on the possible contours taken by the the notion of impegno in the contemporary Italian context, seen from the point of view of critical and academic practices, particularly in the light of contextual socio-economic, technological and disciplinary changes. While an alignment with the  paradigmatic shift occurred at the international level where a number of studies have been discussing the emancipatory role of literature, cinema, and the media from the point of view of readers and audiences is felt much needed, a paradigmatic refashioning of the critical debate and of the public sphere is currently occurring, which gives rise of new possibilities for critical engagement facilitated by the so-called Web 3.0. This new media-ecology provides fora by which the critical practice is much more horizontal and democratic in nature, while authorship and readership present a more dynamic cross-fertilisation


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Author Biography

Pierpaolo Antonello, University of Cambridge
Pierpaolo Antonello is Reader in Italian literature and culture at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge. He specializes in contemporary Italian literature, culture and intellectual history, and he wrote extensively on the relationship between literature and science. His books include: Il ménage a quattro. Scienza, filosofia e tecnica nella letteratura italiana del Novecento (Florence: Le Monnier, 2005); Contro il materialismo. Le ‘due culture’ in Italia: bilancio di un secolo (Turin: Aragno, 2012); Dimenticare Pasolini. Intellettuali e impegno nell’Italia contemporanea(Mimesis, 2012). With João Cezar de Castro Rocha he also published a long interview with the French philosopher and anthropologist René Girard: Evolution and Conversion: Dialogues on the Origins of Culture (London: Continuum, 2007), translated into nine languages. He is the co-editor of the series ‘Italian Modernities’ for Peter Lang.


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How to Cite
Antonello, P. (2016). Impegno 3.0. Towards participatory criticism?. Between, 5(10).