The Cabinet d'amateur of George Perec

  • Valeria Cammarata University of Palermo
Keywords: George Perec, OULIPO, Potential Literature, Ékphrasis, Structural Homology, Cabinet d’amateurs


In 1979 one year after the publication of La vie mode d’emploi, George Perec wrote Cabinet d’amateur. Histoire d’un tableau, in which he tells the story of a painting belonging to the genre of the cabinet d’amateur, also known as kunst- und wunderkammer. It is a collection of different paintings, usually belonging to a rich man or a notable, portrayed (once again) in a single picture celebrating the magnificence of this more or less real collection. As for the pictorial genre, so the short novel is the celebration of the images collected by George Perec in his previous masterpiece, La vie mode d’emploi. This is why I assume this work to be referable to the genre of structural homology more than to that of ékphrasis, being the pictorial structural not only the thematic inspiration or motif of the novel but its own underlying structure.


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Author Biography

Valeria Cammarata, University of Palermo

Valeria Cammarata received her PhD in Cultural Studies from the University of Palermo, with a project about the archaeology of feminine gaze and the optical devices in the Early Modern English literature. Her publications include: La finestra del testo. Letteratura e dispositivi della visione tra Settecento e Novecento, Roma, Meltemi, 2009 (a cura di); Archeologia dello sguardo femminile, in R. Coglitore, S. Marcenò (a cura di), «» Quaderni del Dottorato in Studi Culturali», Palermo. :duepunti edizioni, 2008; Visioni in forma di racconto, in R. Coglitore (a cura di), Lo sguardo reciproco. Letteratura e immagini tra Settecento e Ottocento, Pisa, ETS, 2007; Un diario, un incendio e ottomila miliardi di combinazioni, in «Arcojournal», Palermo, 2004. She also translated, together wih A.L. Carbone and F. Mazzara, the works by WJT Mitchell in La svolta visuale, Palermo, :duepunti edizioni, 2008 (edited by M. Cometa).


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How to Cite
Cammarata, V. (2011). The <i>Cabinet d’amateur</i&gt; of George Perec. Between, 1(1).
Writing and Visions: Threshold Crossings