The Blind Author. Sequential Writing and Sequential Novels

  • Renato Nicassio
Keywords: sequential writing, collaborative writing, evolution, authorship


In this paper I examine how sequential writing works in the literary field and what changes are at stake when a novel is written by multiple people each one of them writing at a given time with no previous agreement on plot and development. Since it does not allow writers to establish the full content of the novel and build a group consciousness, sequential writing begs questions about form and responsibility. What kind of novel can be composed through this writing technique? Who should be accounted as the author? The aim of this article is to demonstrate that a certain amount of chaos, competition, and entertainment is inevitable when no one can exert a full authority on a literary text.


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Author Biography

Renato Nicassio

Renato Nicassio è dottorando di ricerca in Studi letterari e culturali presso l’Università dell’Aquila.


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How to Cite
Nicassio, R. (2016). The Blind Author. Sequential Writing and Sequential Novels. Between, 6(11).
Transmedia Storytelling: Seriality and the Web