No Name City. Eclipse of the Conflict and Dispositifs of Impotence

  • Daniele Giglioli
Keywords: Literature, Subject, Conflict, Terror, Trauma, Victim, State of Exception


Through the analysis of a novel by José Saramago, Essay on lucidity, questioned in the light of the latest perspectives in philosophy and contemporary political theory, this paper aims to pinpoint five dispositifs (Terror, Trauma, Victimization, Symbolic Misery and State of Exception) which shape the widespread sense of political helplessness that pervades today’s society. Such a sense of impotence is here attributed to the eclipse of the concept of conflict through which modernity has thought its own subjectivity as a continuous re-discussion of its hegemonic discourses.


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Author Biography

Daniele Giglioli

Daniel Giglioli teaches Comparative Literature at the University of Bergamo. He has published, among othes things, Tema (La nuova Italia, 2001), Il pedagogo e il libertino (Bergamo University Press, 2002), All’ordine del giorno è il terrore (Bompiani, 2007), Senza trauma (Quodlibet, 2011), Critica della vittima (nottetempo, 2014), Stato di minorità (Laterza, 2015). He writes for the “Corriere della sera"


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How to Cite
Giglioli, D. (2015). No Name City. Eclipse of the Conflict and Dispositifs of Impotence. Between, 5(10).