Adorno, Brecht and the Politics of Arts

  • Francesco Fiorentino
Keywords: Adorno, Brecht, Engagement, Politics of art, Media Studies


The paper proposes a critical interpretation of the Adorno’s and Brecht’s conceptions of engagement and politics of literature. The two notions are in contrast with each other but both could be considered representative of the two predominant polarized positions within the aesthetics debate of the last century. 

Adorno founds the political nature of literature on autonomy and liberation of the form. According to him the political nature of art springs from the refusal of the discourse, from the aggressive removal of meaning, from the exhibition of the negative. His conception of engagement in the arts is elitist and it subordinates the artistic to the philosophical discourse.

Brecht founded the politics of literature on the awareness that experience is filtered by the media. It can be revolutionary only the author who reflects on the media bias of artistic production and creates works that are not expression of a subjective perspective but tools for transforming the function of the devices and of the institutions in which they act.


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Author Biography

Francesco Fiorentino
Francesco Fiorentino è professore associato di Letteratura tedesca all’Università Roma Tre. Si occupa prevalentemente di letteratura tedesca del Novecento e di letteratura svizzero-tedesca e questioni di teoria letteraria. Ha pubblicato saggi su Henrich von Kleist, Gottfried Keller, Ernst Jünger, Theodor W. Adorno, Heiner Müller, Friedrich Dürrenmatt e Adolf Muschg. È autore di La sentinella perduta. Ernst Jünger e la Grande Guerra (Firenze 1993) e La letteratura della Svizzera tedesca (Roma 2001).


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How to Cite
Fiorentino, F. (2015). Adorno, Brecht and the Politics of Arts. Between, 5(10).