Stefan Zweig’s Schachnovelle: Semiotics of the border

  • Francesco Garofalo
Keywords: Semiotics, Border, Culture, Central Europe, Literature, Chess, Narrative Structure, Enunciation


The scope of the study is an analysis of Schachnovelle (The Royal Game) by Stefan Zweig, focusing on the opposition between two topics: (1) cultural x\borders and conflicts and (2) intellectual cosmopolitism.

The analysis is based on a semiotic approach, compared with the knowledge provided by literary criticism.

As a result of this, the paper tries to cast a new light on Zweig’s place in literature. In particular, his progressive view on peace avoids the risks related to every kind of “professional reformism” and thus is still interesting nowadays.


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Author Biography

Francesco Garofalo

Francesco Galofaro, Phd, teaches Semiotics at European Institute of Design in Milan. His research activities concerning Cultural Heritage take place at Bologna University.



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How to Cite
Garofalo, F. (2011). Stefan Zweig’s <i>Schachnovelle</i&gt;: Semiotics of the border. Between, 1(1).
Geocriticism, Geopolitics: The Gaze of the Other