Places, Things, and People

  • Massimo Arcangeli Università di Cagliari
Keywords: Place, Things, People, Border, Frontier, Limit,


The title of this journal allows me to turn it to my advantage by developing a series of brief reflections on the concept of the distinguishing element and on its expendability at different levels, beneath the three fixed thematic poles: borders, boundaries, and limits. I will do this via an equal number of lexical choices: places, things, and people.


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Author Biography

Massimo Arcangeli, Università di Cagliari
Linguist and literary critic, Massimo Arcangeli is Professor of Italian Linguistics at the University of Cagliariand head of Languages of public administration and policyat the University of Molise. As Academic Advisor to the Dante Alighieri Society, he collaborates with the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani. His recent publications include: Itabolario: L'Italia unita in 150 parole (Rome, 2011), L'italiano nella Chiesa fra passato e presente (Turin, 2009), I vizi (co-authored, Milan, 2009), Lingue e culture fra identità e potere (Roma, 2009), Il linguaggio pubblicitario (Roma, 2008), Lingua e identità (Rome, 2007), Giovani scrittori, scritture giovani: Ribelli, sognatori, cannibali, “bad girls” (Rome, 2007) and Gli otto peccati capitali co-authored with Osvaldo Duilio Rossi (Rome, 2006).


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How to Cite
Arcangeli, M. (2011). Places, Things, and People. Between, 1(1).
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