Surveiller et « embellir »: the Writings of Prostitutes and Sex Workers in the Light of Discursive (En)framing

  • Yagos Koliopanos Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Keywords: discourse analysis, sex workers, gender, mystification, expurgation


The discourses of prostitutes are far less visible than the discourses on prostitutes. Based on this fact, we have in this article studied a corpus that is narrow albeit particularly heterogeneous and consisting entirely of books written by prostitutes and sex workers. While recognizing, along with Gail Pheterson and Paola Tabet, the obsolescence and arbitrariness of (the use of) terms such as “prostitute” and “prostitution”, we have tried to show that those different written discourses are systematically (en)framed. By describing the mechanisms of this (en)framing process (mystification, expurgation, censorship, collaborative writing, editorial pretexts) in different publishing contexts, we have claimed that it operates at the same time as enhancement and control of the concerned discourses. We have further weighed, from a gender point of view, the discursive  high-jacking and disqualification – on an ideological as well as esthetic level – undergone by the authors we have studied. The ongoing struggle of certain sex workers / authors to get rid of  (en)framing procedures and their pressing need for discursive autonomy reveal the necessity to carry on this examination on a broader spectrum.


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Author Biography

Yagos Koliopanos, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

Yagos Koliopanos is a translator – notably of the work of Grisélidis Réal to which he dedicated his M2 dissertation at the EHESS – and writer of short stories. At the same time, he is preparing a PhD thesis in sociology of literature, focussing on the written discourse of sex workers (Sophiapol-Lasco, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, under the supervision of Catherine Deschamps ).


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How to Cite
Koliopanos, Y. (2015). Surveiller et « embellir »: the Writings of Prostitutes and Sex Workers in the Light of Discursive (En)framing. Between, 5(9).