Mediamorphosis of the popular novel: from the Feuilleton to the TV Serial

  • Emanuela Piga University of Bologna
Keywords: Feuilleton, Literature and Television, Eugène Sue, Lost, Popular novel,


In 1964, in Apocalittici e integrati, Umberto Eco stated that if the mistake of the apologists of mass culture was to believe that the multiplication of the industrial products was good in and of itself, on the contrary, the mistake of the apocalyptic-aristocratic disdainer of mass culture was to think that mass culture was radically poor, because of its very nature of “industrial reality”, as if culture could be produced outside the industrial conditioning. In a perspective that considers the historical evolution of the media, i.e. containing and forming the expression of the imagination, the goal is to reflect here on an analogy–one already observed and discussed in literature–between the narrative forms of the nineteenth century’s novel and contemporary TV series.
Without trying to entirely define the relationship between the different forms of the literary and the audiovisual, in my essay I will tackle the transformations of the popular novel across different moments and media, using Eugene Sue's novel Les Mystères de Paris and the TV serial Lost (J.J. Abrams, D. Lindelof, J. Lieber, C. Cuse) as case studies.


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Author Biography

Emanuela Piga, University of Bologna

Emanuela Piga , Ph.D Comparative Literature, is currently tutor for the course of "Sociology of Cultural and Communication Processes" at the University of Bologna  and editor in chief of the academic, peer-reviewed and open access Journal of the Italian Association for the Theory and Comparative History of Literature, Between-Journal. Among her publications: “Comunità, intelligenza connettiva e letteratura: dall'open source all'opera aperta in Wu Ming”, in C. Brook – E. Patti (eds.), Transmedia. Storie attraverso i media (Mimesis, 2014). In 2010-2012 she was research fellow in Comparative Literature at the University of Cagliari. Previously, she achieved her PhD in 2009 at the University of Bologna for her thesis entitled Memory and Representation of historical violence in late XX Century. In 2008 she was visiting scholar at the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies of the University of London, where she worked on a project on culture and memory. In 2004 she specialized in General and Comparative Literature at the University of Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle.


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How to Cite
Piga, E. (2014). Mediamorphosis of the popular novel: from the <i> Feuilleton</i&gt; to the TV Serial. Between, 4(8).
TV Serials and New Reception Models