Rhetorics of brand: narratives and values

  • Gianfranco Marrone University of Palermo
Keywords: brand, food, sociosemiotic, rhetoric, slow food


The brand is an ambiguous object. Born as a tool of hard and pure marketing, therefore as the keystone of hyper-organization of individual and collective consumption, it gradually ended up to disengage from its economic-business bases to become a promoter and spokesman of small mythic narratives and social micro-values, thus restoring those forms of identity vanished with the infamous disappearance of the great narratives. Therefore, while the current iconoclasts blame logos - destroying them physically -, brands tend gradually to disappear, allowing their absence. This results in a double movement of action and passion whose rhetoric enliven our personal and social existences.


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Author Biography

Gianfranco Marrone, University of Palermo

Gianfranco Marrone is an essayist and writer. His most recent work has made an innovative contribution to the field of socio-semiotics applied to cities, spaces, food, politics, advertisement and journalism. He is a full time Professor of Semiotics at the University of Palermo and teaches Semiotics of Food at the University of Pollenzo. Selected publications: Il sistema di Barthes (1994), Estetica del telegiornale (1998), C’era una volta il telefonino (1999), Corpi sociali (2001), Montalbano (2003), La Cura Ludovico (2005), Il discorso di marca (2007), L'invenzione del testo (2010), Addio alla Natura (2011), Introduzione alla semiotica del testo (2011), Ccà ddà ddocu (2011), Stupidità (2012), Figure di città (2013).


Codeluppi, Vanni, Il potere della marca, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2001.

Corti, Maria, “Il linguaggio della pubblicità”, in I linguaggi settoriali in Italia, a cura di G.L. Beccaria, Milano, Bompiani, 1973.

Eco, Umberto, La struttura assente, Milano, Bompiani, 1968.

Fabris, Giampaolo ‒ Minestroni, Laura, Valore e valori della marca, Milano, Angeli, 2004.

Marrone, Gianfranco, Corpi sociali. Processi comunicativi e semiotica del testo, Torino, Einaudi, 2001.

Marrone, Gianfranco, Il discorso di marca, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2007.

Semprini, Andrea, La marca postmoderna, Milano, Angeli, 2006.

How to Cite
Marrone, G. (2014). Rhetorics of brand: narratives and values. Between, 4(7). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/1291
From the Fields of Theory. Rethinking the Functions of Rhetoric