The Bounds Between the Line of Demarcation and Porousness
At the core of this article lies the concept of identity as the result of an unbroken journey from one visible location to another from which one can return, and of a circular process of an endless creation of possibilities in which every choice, act and behaviour actualises an aspect of the possible, transforming it into reality, thereby simultaneously creating yet another possibility.
From this perspective arises the centralness of invisible space which concurrently distinguishes and connects the possible and the realised: a kind of ‘third state’ lying between the restraints of the sense of reality and the spectrum of opportunity offered by opening up to contigency.
This ‘intermediate space’ in which the tension between the two aforementioned fires pulses and from which meaning emerges, which is characterised by a certain ‘translucence’ which renders it partly invisible not only to the eye of the other but also to one’s introspective analysis, should not be completely obscured lest one remain victim to an elusive and incomplete individuation.
This approach obliges one to pass from an ‘objectifying’ mindset to one based on a new way of conceptualising the human subject, in which alongside reality, one begins to identify the formation of the possible and of the project, as an equally legitimate way of sighting the human experience
This contributes to fuel the idea that in the evolution of the process of individuation, the expressions of the inner world play a fundamental role, those manifestations of the driving force of our thought which expresses itself through reciprocal communication and language, and above all by mediating the products of literary and artistic creativity.
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