Montale or Melancholy: A Response to Sandro Maxia

  • Maria Carla Papini Università di Firenze
Keywords: Montale, Mediterraneo, Poetry, Early 1900


Sandro Maxia's reading of Montale's Mediterraneo offers itself as the starting point of an analysis putting into evidence the metapoetic component of Montale's poem. This component defines the difference between Montale's poetic experimentation, and the orphic standpoints in the poems of Michelstaedter, Campana, Ungaretti written some ten years before.


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Author Biography

Maria Carla Papini, Università di Firenze

is professor of Contemporary Italian Literature at the University of Florence.  She has widely published on subjects such as Vanguard Movements (Futurism, Metaphysics, Hermetism) as well as the "crepuscular" poets, poetry and prose in the second half of the twentieth century, with particular reference to Ungaretti, Antonio Porta, Anna Banti (Papini has also edited Banti's cinema reviews), and Paolo Volponi (on whose works Papini has published a book, Paolo Volponi, Il potere, la storia, il linguaggio, Florence 1997). Papini has also edited for Mondadori two books of tales, and a series of movie reviews by Aldo Palazzeschi. Her particular interest in the comparative studies of European literatures has produced a number of essays collected in La letteratura e il suo doppio, Roma 2005; but she has also comparatively studied Literature and the arts (painting, cinema, Opera) in a series of essays on Ardengo Soffici, Dino Campana, Roberto Saviano, and Opera librettoes.


Bigongiari, Piero, “I primi tre tempi della lirica montaliana ovvero «Il difficile discorso»”, Poesia italiana del Novecento, Milano, il Saggiatore, 1980, II.

Cerruti, Marco, Carlo Michelstaedter, Milano, Mursia, 1967.

Michelstaedter, Carlo, Poesie, Ed. Sergio Campailla, Milano, Adelphi, 1987.

Michaelstedter, Carlo, La persuasione e la rettorica, Ed. Sergio Campailla, Milano, Adelphi, 2010.

Montale, Eugenio, L’opera in versi, Eds. Rosanna Bettarini – Gianfranco Contini, Torino, Einaudi, 1980.

Ungaretti, Giuseppe, Vita d’un uomo. Tutte le poesie, Ed. Carlo Ossola, Milano, Mondadori, 2009.

How to Cite
Papini, M. C. (2011). Montale or Melancholy: A Response to Sandro Maxia. Between, 1(1).
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