The Rethorics of Gaze in Luhrmann's "Postmodern Great Gatsby"

  • Paola Fallerini University of L'Aquila
Keywords: Gatsby, Fitzgerald, Luhrmann, gaze, postmodern


Baz Luhrmann’s latest movie amplifies to exasperation Fitzgerald's novel, in a triumph of saturated images, sparkling scenes, bombastic and overwhelming music.

The representation of Jay Gatsby love obsession reaches so high-sounding tones to almost touch the tones of farce.

The postmodern transposition of the novel highlights the game of gazes subtended to the narrative texture of the story and especially enhances the turning points of textual composition.

Adopting the perspective suggested by the rhetoric of the gaze (Laura Mulvey) it is highlighted the metalinguistic and metatextual reflection through which this movie contributes to the critical interpretation of Fitzgerald’s novel.


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How to Cite
Fallerini, P. (2014). The Rethorics of Gaze in Luhrmann’s "Postmodern Great Gatsby". Between, 4(7).
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