Experience and Sentiment of the Boundary in the Poetry of Gëzim Hajdari

  • Ugo Fracassa Università di Roma Tre
Keywords: Identity, Bilingualism, Exile, Migrant writer, Orality


To what extent the notion of boundary moulds the production of “migrant writers” in Italy? Is it possible to make boundary a reading key to some of these writers? To verify a possible sentiment of the boundary aside from the congruity of biographical events, into the living texts, could set an alternative procedure to the detection of the category of “migrant” within the critics. As to Gëzim Hajdari verses, Italian writer in Italian of Albanian origins (Poesie scelte, 2009), the literary analysis will intersect “border studies”. The reference to the limes in fact  is at the bases of a recent offshoot of those studies which have in last years proceeded with a material reconstitution of the concept against the previous tendency to its metaphorical extension. The boundary, then, will be analyzed in terms of influence on the structure of the text, such as metric peculiarities, genre dynamics and bilingualism.Some authors who experiment the trespass even since the linguistic option draw our attention to the materiality of boundaries. Besides some poetical statements in fact, a close-up analysis of the most recent production stresses re-emergences of the identitarian theme and indubitable signals of the seismic activity in the substratum of the mother tongue. It is then possible to trace back the definition of “migrant” from the extratextual dimension of biography to (and within) the natural boundaries of the literary fact.


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Author Biography

Ugo Fracassa, Università di Roma Tre

Insegna Teorie della letteratura e Critica letteraria all’Università di Roma Tre. Ha pubblicato due monografie, Sconfinamenti d’autore. Episodi di letteratura giovanile tra gli scrittori italiani contemporanei (Pisa, 2002) e Letture marginali e altri sconfinamenti (Napoli, 2007). Ha curato il volume: Montale dopo Montale. Discontinuità e persistenze nella tradizione (Genova, 2008). Suoi saggi di critica letteraria sono comparsi in riviste italiane ed internazionali (il Verri, Gradiva, La Poligraphe, Narrativa). Di recente si è occupato, secondo un’ottica postcoloniale, dell’operadi Curzio Malaparte e di Ennio Flaiano. Lavora ad una monografia su Gianni Celati.


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Hajdari, Gëzim, Poema dell’esilio, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, Fara editore, 2005.

Hajdari, Gëzim, Muzungu. Diario in nero, Nardò, Besa, 2006.

Hajdari, Gëzim, Poesie scelte 1990-2007, Nardò, Controluce, 2008.

Ivekovič, Rada, “Some Thoughts on Borders and Partitions as Exceptions”, Confini. Costruzioni, attraversamenti, rappresentazioni, Ed. Silvia Salvatici, Catanzaro, Rubbettino, 2005.

Jakobson, Roman, “Sul verso. Maestri e sperimentatori”, Id., Autoritratto di un linguista, Bologna, il Mulino, 1987.

Job, Remo - Tonzar, Claudio, Psicolinguistica e bilinguismo, Padova, Liviana, 1993.

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Said, Edward, Nel segno dell’esilio, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2008.

Sinopoli, Franca, “Scrivere nella lingua dell’altro”, Ai confini del verso, Ed. Mia Lecomte, Firenze, le Lettere, 2006.

Steiner, George, “Una breve comunicazione su Limes e Traslatio”, La frontiera da Stato a Nazione. Il caso Piemonte, Eds. Carlo Ossola – Claude Raffestin, – Mario Ricciardi, Roma, Bulzoni, 1987.

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How to Cite
Fracassa, U. (2011). Experience and Sentiment of the Boundary in the Poetry of Gëzim Hajdari. Between, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/106
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